4. Test de inglés

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A través de esta breve prueba podrás evaluar tus aptitudes lingüísticas en el idioma inglés. Esta prueba en línea mide desde la gramática hasta la comprensión oral, desde los contenidos más generales hacia los más específicos.

Nombre y apellido*
Chooose the answer to complete the sentence
1.____ you like a cup of tea?*
Chooose the answer to complete the sentence
2.This computer is ____ better than that one*
Chooose the answer to complete the sentence
3.You should always ___ your desk tidy*
Listen to the question and select the best response
4. Audio Listening*
Listen to the question and select the best response
5. Audio Listening*
Listen to the question and select the best response
6. Audio Listening*
Listen to the question and select the best response
7. Audio Listening*
Report what it is said , choose the best answer
8. “Why did you go out last night?”*
Report what it is said , choose the best answer
9."What are you going to do at the weekend?"*
Report what it is said , choose the best answer
10. "Do you like coffee?"*
Choose the pair of words that best complete the sentence
11. If I _____ an astronaut, I______ work for The Nasa*
Choose the pair of words that best complete the sentence
12. I________ sleep _______ being very tired.*
Complete the sentences selecting the correct words
13. I______ the weather channel on TV a lot lately,*
Complete the sentences selecting the correct words
14. The reporters ______ some new words that I’ve never heard before.*
Complete the sentences selecting the correct words
15. Last week, a reporter_________ a bombogenesis that was dumping snow on the east coast.*
Complete the sentences selecting the correct words
16. Helen started a course at college, but she ______ after six months.*
Complete the sentences selecting the correct words
17. The football match had to be________because of the weather.*
Chose the correct sentence
18. Choose the best sentence.*
Chose the correct sentence
19. Choose the best sentence.*
Chose the correct sentence
20. Choose the best sentence.*